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Smart Speak Reader
Self Learning Education Kit


The Smart Speak Reader is designed as a learning companion to the children of all age groups. This product is unique. The products finds application for children to learn interactively not only English but also any other language. This product is designed for
school children of all stages, neo literates, and differently abled children. This can be effectively used for education in tribal areas whose mother tongue is different from first language taught in class room.


As the product can be used independently to learn, it will also help pupil from the rural household to learn, educate themselves at their own pace and at their convenient time.
It comes with a set of specially printed optically enabled books with alphabets, nursery rhymes, language lessons, stories, Mathematics and many of the school subjects. Child can learn in three languages. When these books are used in association with the reader, the reader decodes and speaks.

This product is being extensively used in pre-primary and primary schools where the response has been tremendous. We have been informed by teachers that the children are able to grasp very fast, and are able to pronounce accurately with increased vocabulary
and an increase in attendance. Children are participating enthusiastically and their learning levels have also increased.

The Smart Speak Reader is a lovely dolphin-shaped device with child-friendly design with Built-in MP3 player and recorder. It teaches in multiple languages – Kannada, English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali.

It comprises of a Set of specially printed books with alphabets, nursery rhymes, language lessons, stories. Broadly it features the following:

  • A lovely dolphin-shaped device with child-friendly design

  • Built-in MP3 player and recorder content via Internet

  • Built-in Software and USB charging port that also allows user to download fresh

  • Set of specially printed books with alphabets, nursery rhymes, language lessons, stories

How does Smart Speak Reader benefit the child?

  • Stimulates multi-sensory learning early in the child

  • Triggers linguistic abilities

  • Teaches in Three languages – English, Hindi and Kannada

  • Prompts accurate pronunciation amongst children as they grow their vocabulary

  • Initiates early word- picture association, memorization of phrases

  • Encourages independent learning and exploration of printed text

  • Self-paced discovery in a joyful manner

  • Instills competence and creates a confident child

From market trials and purchases, we believe this device is extremely useful to normal as well as children with minor and /or major learning disabilities.

Brief about Self Learning Education Kit


The toy Dolphin shaped Smart Speak Reader is able to

  • Speak, Read, record and play, tell stories and speaks diverse languages, speak out sentences and read stories. Smart Speak Reader recites poems and rhymes on demand! It has a built in Voice – recorder too .

  • Smart Speak Reader can speak out in Kannada, English, Hindi , Tamil, Telugu,Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali

  • How does Smart Speak Reader benefit the child

1. Smart Speak Reader instigates multi-sensory stimulation early in the child
2. Triggers linguistic abilities.
3. Encourages independent reading and learning early in the child
4. Promotes self paced learning
5. Prompts accurate pronunciation amongst children as they grow their v
6. Initiates early word- picture association, memorization of phrases
7. Encourages independent learning and exploration of printed text
8. Creates a fun filled learning environment
9. Enriches Word bank and Vocabulary, Enhances listening skills, memorization of phrases
10. Self-paced discovery in a joyful manner
11.  Instills competence and creates a confident child
12. Smart Speak Reader enables accurate pronunciation of words and text


  • Device is rechargeable through a USB port and supports 4 GB of memory

Product  Smart - Self Learning Kit

Distribution Channel -   BPL Children

No. Of. Kits - 50,000

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